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Oz Lotteries Set for Life Winner – A Field of Dreams!

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We’re celebrating the news that we have a new Oz Lotteries Set for Life winner! Set for Life has been changing lives with every draw. But as the 100th ever Set for Life Division 1 winner, we think this one is pretty special! 

Oz Lotteries Set for Life Winner

Despite the hopeful ticket purchase, our Oz Lotteries Set for Life winner never expected to win anything and was completely unaware she was “Set for Life”. The mum from the rural Riverina region, NSW was out on her farm with her sheep when she received the life-changing call from our customer support team. 

In complete disbelief, she explained that she hadn’t had a chance to check her emails yet and was busy with her sheep on the farm. 

She shared that she normally only buy tickets in the large jackpot draws and was over the moon. The new winner told us that a family member had also won a lotto draw in the past and while she hoped, she had never expected it to happen to their family again. The winner has also been playing with Oz Lotteries for 17 years – what an incredible story!

When our Customer Support team member asked her if she had any plans after learning the news, she replied quickly with, “Holiday!” As a mother, she also plans to help her kids and buy a new home. 

As for immediate plans, she can’t wait to tell her husband, who she is sure won’t believe her! Congratulations to our lucky Oz Lotteries Set for Life winner! 

100 Set for Life Division 1 Winners!

While most lotteries in Australia offer a huge jackpot of $1 million or more, Set for Life gives a different prize structure. Division 1 winners receive $20,000 each month for 20 years! Imagine receiving $20K every month… 

Not only is a Set for Life win exciting for us, but it’s also the 100th ever Set for Life Division 1 prize. There are now 100 people who are receiving $20,000 every month thanks to Set for Life. 

Could you be next? Get your Set For Life ticket today at Oz Lotteries now for your chance to win $20K each month for 20 years as well! 

Set for Life - 4 Million

Today – 10:57 am $20,000 a month for 20 years*

Entries Close:0 Hrs0 Min0 Sec
Set for Life - 4 Million

Today – 10:57 am $20,000 a month for 20 years*

Entries Close:0 Hrs0 Min0 Sec

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